
Ep 221 Hexham Auction: Hadrian’s Mule

Hexham Auction Season 6 Episode 221
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00:00 | 33:49

Where do we go for fun?  Well, all kinds of places, but fish hatcheries, farm shows, and livestock auctions are on the list.  

Today, we’re taking you back to jolly old England (almost Scotland, actually), to a little town called Hexham.  It lies at the foot of Northumberland National Park and a stone’s throw (literally) from Hadrian’s Wall.  This is as charming a hamlet as you might ever imagine.  It has lovely bridges, excellent tapas, wonderfully kind people, a first-class auction yard, and mules.

Wait – aren’t we talking sheep today?  What’s all this about mules?

Yep – mules -- that are technically sheep.  Listen in to Drew Patrick and Chris Armstrong, master auctioneers at Hexham and Northern Marts, to find out why some of these sheep are mules.  

And Hexham is in the Borderlands, so some sheep also look like rabbits – but that’s another podcast.




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