Ep 218 Horse Progress Days: We’re Happy to be Left in the Dust
It’s time for Horse Progress Days! It’s one of our favorite events of the year, and this July it was held in Lancaster County, PA - just in time for the height of a national heatwave. Everyone soldiered on through, though, with nary a complaint to be found from this stoic bunch.
It was a good thing everyone pushed through the heat until the close of the day, because the HPD organizers saved some of the best for last (okay, the middle and beginning was pretty good, too). The Backyard Green Films bunch had a front row seat for the Breed Presentation. With longtime HPD participant Dale Stoltzfus doing a wonderfully informative commentary track, horses of every size, shape and color were on view, and riders, drivers, leaders and be-free-rs were putting on a show.
The commentary was so informative that we wanted to bring it all to you on our podcast, but in a few days you can go to the Backyard Green Films YouTube channel to get a (dusty) front-row visual as well. Either way, we hope you feel like you were sitting right next to us for the whole show.