Ep 212 A.J. O'Neil: Six Degrees of Bacon
Backyard Green Films is now in Florida, getting ready to start the World Devon Congress 2024. But first (and last), our podcast with the butcher. The place where everything ends – everything that is ordered medium rare, anyway.
A.J. O’Neil is the perfect one to encapsulate almost everything that is fantastic about why Devons are popular. He’s a member of Red Devon USA, and a wonderful addition to their friendly and active Board of Directors. He’s sometimes serious, sometimes quiet, but always a family-oriented guy. He talks with us about O’Neil’s Quality Devons, O’Neil’s Quality Foods, and the joys of beef bacon. Maybe not so much on that last one, but it cannot be stressed enough by all, so we put it in there. There was bacon, though.
Head over to the Backyard Green Films YouTube channel if you want to see the man in action himself, but be warned - if your kids don’t know where the burger comes from, this will be an educational experience. He IS a butcher, after all.